Air quality permits from the MPCA are required to operate certain existing air emission facilities and to begin construction on either new facilities or modifications to existing facilities.

Facilities must file an administrative amendment application for certain proposed changes or modifications that do not increase the potential to emit (PTE) of the pollutants for the facility beyond the threshold defined in the rules.

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What You Need
Facility Selection
Service Type Selection
Application Resubmittal
Select Submitted Incomplete Application
Prevention Opportunities
Construction Status
Fee Determination
Contact Us

What You Need

What you may need for the application process:


Facility Selection

For details about selecting a facility, see Selecting a Facility.

After you have selected a facility, click Continue to access the next screen.

Service Type Selection

For details about service type selection, see Service Type Selection.


Application Resubmittal

For details about application resubmittal, see Application Resubmittal.

Select Submitted Incomplete Application

For details about selecting the submitted incomplete application, see Select Submitted Incomplete Application.


For details about entering contact information, see Providing Contact Information.

Prevention Opportunities

For details about prevention opportunities, see Looking for Prevention Opportunities.


For details about attaching files, see Attaching Files.

Construction Status

For details about construction status, see Construction Status.


For details about certifying a submittal, see Certifying Submissions.

Fee Determination

For details about determining the required fee for your administrative amendment application, see Determining Your Fee.


For details about making a payment, see Making a Payment.

Contact Us

To contact MPCA e-Services, email or call 651-757-2728 or 1-844-828-0942, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday.


