MPCA e-Services allow you to submit information to the MPCA, such as notifications, reports, and applications.

Note: If you have an account for the existing MPCA e-Services, you will need to create an additional account to use new MPCA e-Services.

PDF Document Getting started with MPCA e-Services


The following information explains the general rules of using MPCA e-Services.

Tasks before Starting a Service

To use MPCA e-Services, you must create an account. In addition, before using some services, you must add a facility to your account, and if you are an electronic signer, possibly send in a submittal agreement.

Service Create Account Add Facilities Select Access Type
      Electronic Signer: select access type Signatory Electronic Signer: send in submittal agreement Data Entry Helper: select access type General User
Aboveground Storage Tank Issuance or Reissuance Permit X X X
Air Administrative Amendment X X X X X
Air Dispersion Modeling X X X X X

Air Individual Permit Reissuance

Construction Stormwater General Permit X
Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) X X X X X
Field Work Notification X
Hazardous Waste Generator License Application X
Industrial Stormwater Annual Report X X X X
Industrial Stormwater Monitoring Reports X X X X
Industrial Stormwater -- General Permit and No Exposure Certification Application X
Notification of Permit Termination X X X X
Notification of Regulated Waste Activity X
Sewer Extension Permit Application X
Vessel Discharge Permit X
Voluntary Remediation Program Enrollment Application X
Volunteer Water Monitoring X X
Wastewater Industrial Stormwater Annual Report X X X X
Yard Waste Permit by Rule X

Creating an Account

To create an MPCA e-Services account, complete these steps.

On the Login page:

  1. Click Create a new account.

    Login page

(To access the Login page, click Minnesota Pollution Control Agency e-Services at the top of any page.)

On the Create User ID page:

  1. In the User ID box, type a user ID. Your user ID must be between 8 and 40 alphanumeric characters. Do not use punctuation, spaces, or special characters. Choose a user ID you will remember each time you need to log in.
  2. Click Continue.

    Create User ID page

On the Choose Password page:

  1. In the User Password box, type a password. Your password must be between 8 and 40 characters and contain characters from at least two of these groups: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, and special characters (except spaces, quotation marks, <, >, and \). Passwords are case sensitive.
  2. In the Retype User Password box, type the same password.
  3. Click Continue.

    Choose Password page

On the Contact pages:

  1. Under Contact Information, enter your contact information. If an asterisk (*) is present, you must enter that information.

    Contact page, Contact Information section

  2. Under Contact Numbers, click Add Contact Number.
  3. From the Contact # Type list, select the type of number you are adding.
  4. In the Contact Number box, type your 10-digit number. Do not enter dashes or spaces between numbers.
  5. If desired, enter your extension and add any comments.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat steps 2–6 for additional contact numbers you want to add.
  8. Click Continue.

    Contact page, Contact Numbers section

On the Challenge/Response Questions page:

  1. In the Question 1 list, select a question.
  2. For Question 1, type your answer in the text box.
  3. Repeat steps 1–2 for the remaining questions. You can select each question only one time, and your answers cannot be duplicates. Answers are not case sensitive.
  4. Click Continue.

    Challenge/Response Questions page

On the Electronic Signature PIN page:

A personal identification number (PIN) is used to electronically certify a notification, report, or application. You will need this PIN each time you want to submit a notification, report, or application.

  1. In the Electronic Signature PIN box, type a PIN. The PIN must be between 8 and 40 characters and contain at least one letter and one number or special character. PINs are case sensitive. Special characters include the following: !"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@^_`{|}~][
  2. In the Retype Electronic Signature PIN box, type the same PIN.
  3. Click Continue.

    Electronic Signature PIN page

On the Facility pages:

You can add facilities to your user profile. For many services, you must add a facility before you can use the service for an existing facility.

To complete your account setup without adding a facility, click Complete Setup without searching for a facility.

The following services require a facility in your profile:

For details on adding facilities to your profile, see Adding Facilities to Your Profile.

After you click Complete Setup, you are directed to the Login page. Log in to your account and follow the prompts to select the services that you want displayed in your workspace. For more information, see


Contact Us

To contact MPCA e-Services, email or call 651-757-2728 or 1-844-828-0942, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday.


