Attaching Files

Some services require that you attach files. You cannot continue until all required files are attached. For some services, you may also upload additional attachments, beyond those that are required.

To Attach a File

  1. On the Attachments page, select the option that best describes your file from the Attachment Type list.
  2. If your Attachment page contains a box for Document Author (e.g. in the Voluntary Remediation Program Enrollment Application service), type the name of the person who authored the document.
  3. If your Attachment page contains a box for Document Date, enter the date the document was authored. The format for the date is MM/DD/YYYY.
  4. Click the Browse button in the same row.
  5. Navigate to the file on your system that that you want to attach and click OK.
  6. Wait until your file has uploaded.

After uploading any additional attachments, click Continue.

Note: If you do not wait until a file has uploaded before trying to attach another file or continuing, the later file will not upload.

Attachment Types

Attachment types differ depending on the service.

Air Administrative Amendment -- Change Ownership/Facility Name/Owner or Operator Name/Location Only

Air Administrative Amendment -- Extension of Deadline Only

Air Administrative Amendment -- Other

Air Individual Permit Reissuance

Air Dispersion Modeling

The following attachment types may be required depending on the type of submittal and proposed modeling methods. Please refer to this list when beginning an air dispersion modeling submittal to ensure you have all the required documents needed to complete the service.

Aboveground Storage Tank Issuance or Reissuance Permit

You must attach files to this application for the following item(s):

  1. Facility layout (minimum scale: 1” = 100’) showing the facility with the following marked:

    • All regulated, nonregulated and closed tanks, numbered as in this application
    • Endpoints and approximate run of all buried underground piping segments numbered as in this application
    • All transfer areas for regulated tanks numbered as in this application
    • All containment areas for regulated tanks numbered as in this application
    • Buildings
    • Roads and railroad tracks
    • On-site ponds
  2. If you selected Other for the Substance Type of any regulated tanks, you must attach a file that contains the name of the substance for each of these tanks.

Other documents may be attached as needed.

Construction Stormwater General Permit Application

You must submit your stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) if your project will disturb 50 or more acres and has a discharge point within one mile of a special or impaired water. You can submit your SWPPP using the Attachments page or by other means (e.g., FTP, disk).

To submit by other means, contact the MPCA construction stormwater program staff at 651-757-2119 or 1-800-657-3804 or at

Discharge Monitoring Report

Use the Attachments page to submit other documents along with your DMR.  Examples include lab sheets, memos with additional information, supplemental data not covered by a Sample Values submittal, permit required submittals, etc.

Notification of Permit Termination

The following attachment is required:

Common photo file types are accepted.

Sewer Extension Permit Application

The following attachments are required:

Other documents may be attached as needed. 

PDF format files are recommended.

Vessel Discharge Permit

The following attachment is required:

You may attach other documents as needed.  For example,

Voluntary Remediation Program Enrollment Application

Contact a brownfields site coordinator at with any questions that cannot be answered below.

Each report or document should be submitted as a single PDF file (i.e., separate PDFs must first be combined in the correct order as one file for each report/document submitted). Documents submitted to the MPCA are considered public unless otherwise classified by the Minnesota Data Practices Act. Requests to classify documents as non-public must be submitted to the MPCA in writing following the procedures established in Minn. R. 7000.1300.

MPCA staff may request information beyond the minimum requirements when needed to support review and approvals requested by the applicant.

A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) prepared in accordance with the All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) standard as per 40 C.F.R. Part 312 must be provided with this application unless the application is only for technical assistance or one of the following services/letters: Leaksite Review; Leaksite Tank Removal Verification Letter; General Liability Letter and/or Lender Letter.

If a required Phase I ESA is larger than 524 MB, please attach a one-page Phase I ESA cover sheet, filename titled as YYYY-MM-DD_Phase I Report Cover.pdf. Please coordinate the subsequent and timely submittal of the over-sized Phase I ESA with the MPCA project manager(s) assigned to the site.

The proposed actions summarized in the required Proposed Actions Letter may include the pending submittal of additional reports and whether the request is grant related. Typical proposed actions include purchase of the property, environmental investigation and/or response actions, and detailed actions related to the improvement, redevelopment, operation, and/or maintenance of the property. If you are requesting a No Association Determination per Minn. Stat. § 115B.03, subd. 3(4), see MPCA’s Brownfields Program Services document for additional requirements:

Subsequent reports, information, or requests at an active Brownfield or Cooperative Responsible Party Superfund project, should not be sent via this MPCA e-Service Application. Instead, please correspond and send documents directly to the MPCA project manager(s) assigned to the site. The current MPCA Billing ID and/or BF/SF Site ID shall be included in the subject line of the email submittal. Failure to submit subsequent documents to the current project manager(s) or to include a Billing/Site ID in the subject line may result in delays.

Yard Waste Permit by Rule

The following attachments are required:

Other documents may be attached as needed.


Contact Us

To contact MPCA e-Services, email or call 651-757-2728 or 1-844-828-0942, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday.

