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Air Individual Permit Reissuance |
The Air Individual Permit Reissuance service is used to apply for reissuance of an air individual permit. You must fill out all required fields and submit the service to the MPCA along with any required attachments.
To leave the service at any time, click the My Workspace tab. Note that information on a partially complete page will not be saved.
What You Need
Facility Selection
Application Resubmittal
Select Submitted Incomplete Application
Prevention Opportunities
TRI & Pollution Prevention Plan
Previous Modifications
Insignificant Activities
Buildings & Structures
Emission Units
Storage Tanks
Fugitive Sources
Control Equipment
Control Equipment Association
Control Equipment Association Grid
Stacks & Vents
Stacks & Vents Association
Stacks & Vents Association Grid
Monitor Information
Monitor Association
Potential to Emit
Construction Status
What you need for the application process:
To apply for reissuance, you will need facility-specific information from MPCA's permitting database. To obtain this information, send an email to Pt70Info with the subject line “Request for Reissuance Materials.” Include all of the following information:
The necessary information will be e-mailed to the facility contact person, typically within 5 business days.
For details about selecting a facility, see Selecting a Facility.
After you have selected a facility, click Continue to access the next screen.
TopFor details about application resubmittal, see Application Resubmittal
TopFor details about application resubmittal, see Select Submitted Incomplete Application
TopFor details about entering contact information, see Providing Contact Information.
For details about entering prevention information, see Looking for Prevention Opportunities.
Form: GI-01 (Q15)
You may not continue until all mandatory fields are entered.
The answers provided help determine if you are required to submit a Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) or Pollution Prevention Plan.
You must answer all questions.
Select Yes or No from the drop-down lists to answer each question.
Click Continue to access the Previous Modifications page.
TopForm: CH-01-R
You may not continue until all mandatory fields are entered.
This page captures any applications that were previously submitted and are not reflected in the current Air Quality Permit for your facility.
If you answer Yes to the question on the page, a row of mandatory fields will appear below the question. Each column must have information provided within it.
The Submitted application drop-down list contains pending applications with the MPCA. Select Other in this drop-down list to be able to edit the Other field below.
The Other field allows up to 20 characters.
Click Add Row if there are more modifications or changes to describe.
Click Continue to access the Insignificant Activities page.
TopFor details about entering insignificant activities, see Insignificant Activities.
Form: GI-03-R
This page allows you to edit and add information for building and structures at your facility. Answer the question “Are there Buildings or Structures at this facility?”. If the answer is Yes, you may not continue until all mandatory fields are entered. Any SI removed during the e-Service process will not require entries unless otherwise mandatory fields.
Click Add New Record for buildings that are not listed.
Click Delete Record to erase a record that you have added. You may not delete existing records (records that you have not added during this application process). Instead, you may change the status to Inactive/Retired.
Building ID —This field allows a maximum of 50 characters. Existing buildings will have an ID. For new buildings and structures, the service will list “new” as the ID number. You will need to assign an ID for the purposes of this application process. Any ID you assign will most likely be different when the permit is issued. Assign a new and unique ID number to each additional building or structure. If the building or structure replaces another building or structure that has been removed, assign a new number; do not reuse numbers. Building ID numbers must be used consistently throughout the application.
ID numbers must be unique within your service. For example, you may not use the ID “0061” for a stack/vent and “0061” for a building. You could instead choose the ID “0061” for the stack/vent and “Building 0061” for the building.
If you have modeled your facility, building and structure information must match the models.
Reason for changes/modifications — If you edit existing information, you must provide a reason in the text field below the table. This field allows up to 2000 characters.
Click Next Record to go to the next building or structure. This action will take you away from the current page after all mandatory fields are entered. You will not be able to move to the next subject item if you are currently viewing the last item.
Click Previous Record to go back to the previous building or structure. This action will take you away from the current page after all mandatory fields are entered. You will not be able to view the previous subject item if you are currently viewing the first item.
Required fields for Buildings and Structures page if there are buildings at the facility+:
+Any SI removed during the e-Service process will not require the fields listed above.
Click Continue to access the Emission Units page.
TopForm: GI-05B-R
You may not continue until all mandatory fields are entered.
This page allows you to edit and add information for emission units at your facility. Answer the question “Are there Emission Units at this facility?”. If the answer is Yes, you may not continue until all mandatory fields are entered. Any SI removed during the e-Service process will not require entries in otherwise mandatory fields.
Note: This service does not have a point where you are prompted to provide changes to groups in your permit. If you have changes to permit groups, you may upload an “other” type document describing group changes when you reach the Attachments screen.
Click Add New Record to add new emission unit information.
Click Delete Record to erase a record that you have added. You may not delete existing records (records that you have not added during this application process). Instead, you may change the status to Inactive/Retired and provide a removal date.
If you edit existing information, you must provide a reason in the Reasons for Changes/Modifications text field below the table. This field allows up to 2,000 characters.
Click Next Record to go to the next emission unit. This action will take you away from the current page if all mandatory fields are entered. You will not be able to move to the next subject item if you are currently viewing the last item.
Click Previous Record to go back to the previous emission unit. This action will take you away from the current page after all mandatory fields are entered. You will not be able to view the previous subject item if you are currently viewing the first item.
Required fields for Emission Units page if there are emission units at the facility+:
+Any SI removed during the e-Service process will not require the fields listed above.
*Required only when the emissions unit is an engine or other combustion unit.
**Required only for certain combustion emissions units.
***Required only when the emissions unit is subject to CSAPR.
Emission Unit ID — For new emission units, the service will list “new” as the ID number. You will need to assign an ID for the purposes of this application process. Any ID you assign will most likely be different when the permit is issued. This ID number must be the same as shown on the Process Flow Diagram and must be used consistently throughout the application.
Emission Unit Type — Only allowed emission unit types are contained within the drop-down list. You must select from the following.
Abrasive Equipment |
Conveyor |
Flaker Equipment |
Prilling Equipment |
Acid Treatment Equipment |
Coke Handling Equipment |
Fractionation Equipment |
Printing Press |
Adhesion Equipment |
Combined Cycle (Boiler/Gas Turbine) |
Fryer/Cooker |
Process Heater |
Compressor |
Furnace |
Pulverizer |
Aggregate Handling Equipment |
Concentrators |
Gasoline Loading |
Pump |
Aging Equipment |
Cooler |
Glazing Equipment |
Purification Equipment |
Arc Cutting Equipment |
Cracking Equipment |
Gluing Equipment |
Quenching Equipment |
Bleaching Equipment |
Crusher |
Granulator |
Reactor |
Blender |
Cutting Equipment |
Grinder |
Reciprocating IC Engine |
Blowing Equipment |
Debarking Equipment |
Hopper |
Refining Equipment |
Boiler |
Decanting Equipment |
Huller |
Reflux Column |
Brazing Equipment |
Degreaser |
Incinerator |
Regenerator |
Brewing Equipment |
Dehydrator |
Inline Mixer |
Rolling Equipment |
Barge Loading Equipment |
Desublimer |
Kiln |
Sanding Equipment |
Briquetting Equipment |
Digestor |
Liquefaction Equipment |
Sawing Equipment |
Buffing Equipment |
Dipping Equipment |
Loading-Unloading Equipment |
Screens |
Calciner |
Dissolver |
Machining Equipment |
Separation Equipment |
Carbon Reactivator |
Distillation Equipment |
Mechanical Processing |
Shredding Equipment |
Casing Equipment |
Dryer/Oven, direct fired |
Melting Equipment |
Silo/Bin |
Casting Equipment |
Dryer/Oven, indirect fired |
Metal Deposition Equipment |
Smelting Equipment |
Causticizing Equipment |
Dryer/Oven, unknown firing method |
Material Handling Equipment |
Soldering Equipment |
Cementing Equipment |
Drilling Equipment |
Milling Equipment |
Solvent Equipment |
Channel Process Equipment |
Duct Burner |
Mixing Equipment |
Spray Booth/Coating Line |
Chemical Milling Equipment |
Electrical Equipment |
Molding Equipment |
Spraying Equipment |
Chipping Equipment |
Elevator |
Neutralizer |
Stripping Equipment |
Circuit Board Etching Equipment |
Electroplating Equipment |
Open Ended Lines |
Sulfur Recovery Unit |
Cleaning Equipment |
Emulsion Equipment |
Open Ended Valves |
Tapping Equipment |
Closure Device |
Engine Test Cell |
Other Combustion |
Thermal Process Equipment |
Converter |
Extractor |
Other Emission Unit |
Thermal Unit |
Conveyor |
Extruder |
Oxidation Unit |
Turbine |
Coke Handling Equipment |
Feeder |
Potlines |
Valves |
Combined Cycle (Boiler/Gas Turbine) |
Fermentation Equipment |
Pouring Equipment |
Washer |
Closure Device |
Filling Operations Equipment |
Pressure Relief Device |
Welding Equipment |
Converter |
Finishing Equipment |
Pressing Equipment |
Emission Unit Description — Provide a description sufficient to identify this emission unit at the facility, for example, "North Boiler," or "Heatset Web Press." Up to 250 allowable characters.
Manufacturer — For packaged and pre-assembled equipment, and for equipment completely designed by a single company and field-assembled, provide the name of the manufacturer or designer. For equipment designed and manufactured by the contractor or owner, indicate this. Up to 50 allowable characters.
Model Number — For equipment that has a model number, provide the model number. If there is no model number, you may enter NA or something similar to indicate that there is no model number. Up to 50 allowable characters.
Maximum Design Capacity — Provide the maximum production capacity of each emission unit; for example, for a boiler, the maximum steam generation rate; for a crusher, the maximum crushing rate; for a paint spray booth, the maximum spraying rate. If the emission unit has a processing capacity and a combustion capacity, provide only the combustion capacity here. However, emissions must be calculated for both capacities.
Maximum Design Capacity Units — From the drop-down list, select the material and units of measure (numerator and denominator) for the number provided for capacity, such as "pounds of steam per hour" or "tons crushed per hour." Enter the material (“steam”, “energy”, etc), numerator and denominator in the separate columns provided.
For the material, select from the following list:
Detail |
Detail |
Acid |
Adhesive |
Air Dried Pulp |
Airflow |
Aluminum |
Ash |
Asphalt |
Battery |
Bean |
Beer |
Bentonite |
Black Liquor Solids (Kraft Pulp Mill) |
Blood Meal |
Board |
Bottle |
Bread |
Can |
Carbon |
Casting |
Chlorine Dioxide |
Clothes |
Coal |
Coating |
Coke |
Core |
Core Oil |
Corn |
Current Applied |
Diesel Fuel |
Distillers Dried Grains with Solids |
Dried Blood Meal |
Dry Pulp, Unbleached |
Dry Sludge |
Electrical Energy |
Emery |
Energy |
Ethanol |
Ethylene Oxide |
Fiber |
Fiberglass |
Foam |
Fuel |
Glue |
Grain |
Heat |
Hydrated Lime |
Ink |
Lead |
Lime |
Limestone |
Log |
Material |
Metal |
Methane |
Natural Gas |
Ore |
Oven Dried Wood |
Paint |
Paper |
Pellet |
Power |
Product |
Pulp |
Refuse Derived Fuel |
Resin |
Rock |
Sand |
Sawdust |
Scrap |
Shingles |
Shot Material |
Silicon Dioxide |
Sludge |
Solid |
Solid Waste |
Solvents |
Steam |
Soy |
Sugar |
Sulfur |
Surface Area |
Varnish |
Vehicle |
Volatile Organic Compound |
Wafer/Chip |
Waste |
Waste Water |
Water |
Wood |
Yeast |
For the unit numerator, select from the following list:
Detail |
Detail |
amperes |
barrels |
brake horsepower |
board foot |
British Thermal Unit |
bushels |
1000 gallons |
million pounds |
million megagrams |
each |
degrees Farenheit |
fluid ounces |
feet |
square feet |
cubic feet |
standard cubic feet |
gallons |
grains |
horsepower |
kilograms |
kilowatts |
pounds |
1000 British thermal units |
1000 cubic feet per day |
megagrams |
million gallons |
million board feet |
million British thermal units |
megawatts |
ounces |
tons |
yards |
square yards |
cubic yards |
avg std cubic feet per minute |
acres |
batch |
cord |
cubic meters |
cycle |
hours |
horsepower-hours |
inches |
kilowatt-hours |
thousand cubic feet |
million cubic feet |
liters |
cubic centimeters |
metric tons |
miles |
million pounds |
million square feet |
revolutions per minute |
kilopascals |
1000 pounds |
meters |
long tons |
For the unit denominator, select from the following list:
Note: For numerator options where the denominator is not needed (e.g., horsepower-hours or kilowatt-hours), select each for the denominator.
Detail |
Detail |
minutes |
hours |
days |
week |
month |
years |
each |
gallons |
square feet |
cubic feet |
square foot hours |
square meter hours |
tons |
pounds |
batch |
cycle |
liter |
Commence Construction Date — Provide the date on which installation of the unit started at the source. If unknown, provide your best estimate of the year construction began. For units on which construction has not been started, check the box TBD (to be determined). The format for the date is MM/DD/YYYY. The allowable values range from 01/01/1900-12/31/3000.
Initial Startup Date — Provide the date on which operation of the emission unit started. Units for which the initial startup date has not occurred, check the box TBD (to be determined). The format for the date is MM/DD/YYYY. The allowable values range from 01/01/1900-12/31/3000.
Modification or Reconstruction Date — Provide the date on which modification or reconstruction of the emission unit started. “Modification” is defined in Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 14, and “reconstruction” is defined in 40 CFR section 60.15. If this does not apply, do not provide a date.
Firing Method — For certain combustion units only, indicate the firing method from the drop-down list using one of the following codes.
For reciprocating IC engines, indicate the firing method from the drop-down list using one of the following codes.
Engine Use — Mandatory for engines only. Fill in the appropriate usage category of the engine from the drop-down list.
Engine Displacement — Mandatory for engines only. Provide the numerical engine displacement in the text box and the units for the displacement from the drop-down list. Use the following units.
liters per cylinder |
for CI or SI engines |
total cubic centimeters |
for SI engines only |
Subject to CSAPR — From the drop-down list, select whether the emission unit is subject to the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) or not. This question is mandatory for boilers, combined cycle (boilers/gas turbines), turbines, duct burners, and incinerators. Please refer to the definitions in 40 CFR § 97.402 and 40 CFR § 97.702.
Use form GI-09K to determine applicability if you currently, or will in the future, own or operate any
Any unit that otherwise would be subject to CSAPR may be exempt under one of the following two provisions:
Cogeneration (40 CFR § 97.404(b)(1)(i) and 40 CFR § 97.704(b)(1)(i)): Any unit
A.) qualifying as a cogeneration unit throughout the later of 2005 or the 12-month period starting on the date the unit first produces electricity and continuing to qualify as a cogeneration unit throughout each calendar year ending after the later of 2005 or such 12-month period; and
B.) Not supplying in 2005 or any calendar year thereafter more than one-third of the unit's potential electric output capacity or 219,000 MWh, whichever is greater, to any utility power distribution system for sale.
Solid Waste Incineration (40 CFR § 97.404(b)(2)(i) and 40 CFR § 97.704(b)(2)(i)): Any unit
A.) Qualifying as a solid waste incineration unit throughout the later of 2005 or the 12-month period starting on the date the unit first produces electricity and continuing to qualify as a solid waste incineration unit throughout each calendar year ending after the later of 2005 or such 12-month period; and
B.) With an average annual fuel consumption of fossil fuel for the first 3 consecutive calendar years of operation starting no earlier than 2005 of less than 20 percent (on a Btu basis) and an average annual fuel consumption of fossil fuel for any 3 consecutive calendar years thereafter of less than 20 percent (on a Btu basis).
Note: if an emissions unit is subject to CSAPR, you must upload form GI-09K when you reach the attachments screen.
Electric Generating Capacity (megawatts) — Provide the nameplate generating capacity. This is mandatory for units subject to CSAPR only (Boiler, Combined Cycle (Boiler/Gas Turbine), Turbine, Duct Burner, or Incinerator).
SIC code — From the drop-down list, select the SIC code for this emission unit if different from the primary SIC code for the stationary source. Otherwise leave blank. Note that most emission units will not have a SIC code for that type of unit alone.
As an example, a steam generating plant that provides process steam can be assigned its own SIC code even though it is part of a larger stationary source.
Status — Provide the status of the emission unit as either Active/Existing or Inactive/Retired. If status is Inactive/Retired, provide a removal date.
Removal Date — This is required if the Status is Inactive/Retired. The format for the date is MM/DD/YYYY. The allowable values range from 01/01/1900-12/31/3000.
Reason for changes/modification — Provide reason for changes or modification to an existing emission unit.
Click Continue to access the Storage Tanks page.
TopForm: GI-05C-R
This page allows you to edit and add information for tanks at your facility. Answer the question “Are there storage tanks at this facility?”. If the answer is yes, you may not continue until all mandatory fields are entered. Any SI removed during the e-Service process will not require entries in otherwise mandatory fields.
Note: This service does not have a point where you are prompted to provide changes to groups in your permit. If you have changes to permit groups, you may upload an “other” type document describing group changes when you reach the Attachments screen.
Click Add New Record to add information for a new tank.
Click Delete Record to erase a tank that you have added. You may not delete existing records (records that you have not added during this application process). Instead, you may change the status to Inactive/Retired and provide a removed date.
Reason for changes/modifications — If you edit existing information, you must provide a reason in the text field below the table. This field allows up to 2,000 characters.
Click Next Record to go to the next storage tank. This action will take you away from the current page if all mandatory fields are entered. You will not be able to move to the next subject item if you are currently viewing the last item.
Click Previous Record to go back to the previous storage tank. This action will take you away from the current page after all mandatory fields are entered. You will not be able to view the previous subject item if you are currently viewing the first item.
Required fields for Tanks page if there are storage tanks at the facility+:
+Any SI removed during the e-Service process will not require the fields listed above.
* These are mandatory only when Floating Roof is selected for Construction Type.
Tank ID — For new tanks, the service will list “new” as the ID number. You will need to assign an ID for the purposes of this application process. Any ID you assign will most likely be different when the permit is issued. The ID number you assign must be the same as the ID number shown on the Process Flow Diagram, and must be used consistently throughout the application. Assign an ID number to each additional tank.
Description — Provide a description sufficient to identify this tank at the facility, for example, "North Tank." This field allows a maximum of 250 characters.
Construction Type — Tanks are constructed in many ways. From the drop-down list, select the method used to fasten the seams of the tank itself (not the roof). Fill in the type of construction from the following list:
Products Stored — Select the product category for the material contained in the tank from the drop-down list. If the tank contains a mixture, list the primary product category. Only choose Underground Storage Tank Substance for underground storage tanks.
Specific Product — Select the substance contained in the tank from the drop-down list. If the tank contains a mixture, list the primary substance. Based on the chosen Product Stored, the following tables provide the specific products available to select.
Chemical:Acetate, ethyl |
Hexane |
Other |
Ammonia (anhydrous) |
Hydrochloric acid |
Phosphoric acid |
Ammonia (aqueous) |
Hydrogen peroxide |
Phthalic anhydride |
Chlorine |
Isobutyl alcohol (2-methyl-1-propanol) |
Polyethylene glycol |
DEF (diesel exhaust fluid) |
Isopropyl alcohol |
Potassium hydroxide |
Dichloromethane (methylene chloride) |
1,2-Propanediol |
Propionic acid |
Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) |
Magnesium chloride |
Sodium hydroxide |
Ethylene |
Maleic anhydride |
Styrene |
Ethylene glycol |
Methanol |
Sulfur |
Formaldehyde |
Methyl isobutyl ketone (4-Methyl-2-pentanone) |
Sulfuric acid |
Fuel additive |
Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) |
Toluene |
Glycerin |
Muriatic Acid |
Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate |
Glycol ethers |
n-Butyl Acetate |
Urea |
Heptane |
Nitric Acid |
Xylene |
Alcohol blend |
Petroleum Other |
Transmission Fluid |
Chemical Acidic |
Chemical Caustic |
Chemical Other or Unspecified |
Beet Extract |
Oxygen |
Vegetable and Plant Oils |
Dye |
Paper Pulp |
Waste Oil |
Non-Contact Cooling Water |
Soybean Oil |
Water, Sour |
Other |
Steam or Water |
Asphalt and asphaltic blends |
Ethanol blends (E50-E89) |
Hydraulic fluid |
Aviation gas |
Ethanol blends (E90-E99) |
Jet fuel (unspecified) |
Biodiesel (B100) |
Fuel oil #1 |
Kerosene |
Crude oil |
Fuel oil #2 |
Lubricating oils |
Denatured ethanol |
Fuel oil #6 |
Mineral spirits |
Diesel >B20 |
Gasoline blends (E1-E49) |
Other |
Diesel blends (B1-B20) |
Gasoline, non-oxygenated |
Propane |
Diesel fuel |
Heating oil |
Used oil |
Interior Height (ft.) — List the interior height of the tank, in feet. For tanks with a cone bottom, fill in the straight-wall height only.
Interior Diameter (ft.) — List the interior diameter of the tank, in feet. For a tank that is not cylindrical, calculate the area of the top of the tank, then determine the diameter of a circle with an area equal to that of the top of the tank. List that effective diameter (in feet) in this column.
Capacity (gal) — List the maximum capacity of the tank (in gallons). The maximum capacity may be calculated by multiplying the height of the tank by the area of the top of the tank. If you need to convert from cubic feet to gallons, use the factor of 7.481 U.S. gallons in a cubic foot.
Support Type (floating roof only) — If the tank is a floating roof, this is required field. From the drop-down list, select the type of tank support used. Fill in the type of support from the following list:
Number of Columns (floating roof with column-support only) — If the tank has a floating roof and the support type is column support, this is a required field. List the number of columns. If no information on the number of columns in the tank can be found, refer to AP-42, Table 7.1-11. This table lists representative number of columns for internal floating roof tanks.
Column Diameter (ft) — If the tank has a floating roof and the support type is column support, this is a required field. List the column diameters for the support.
Deck Type (floating roof only) — If the tank has a floating roof (i.e., if Construction Type = floating roof), this field is required. From the drop-down list, select the materials and process used to construct the tank deck. Fill in the deck type from the following list:
Seal Type (floating roof only) — If the tank has a floating roof (if construction type = floating roof), this field is required. From the drop-down list, select the seal design used to reduce vapor loss from the floating roof tank. Fill in the seal type from the following list:
Maximum True Vapor Pressure (psia) — Provide the maximum true vapor pressure in pounds per square inch absolute.
Date Installed or Constructed — Provide the date that construction or installation of the tank began. For tanks with an unknown construction date, check the box TBD (to be determined). The format for the date is MM/DD/YYYY. The allowable values range from 01/01/1900-12/31/3000.
Status — Select either Active/Existing or Inactive/Retired from the drop-down list.
Removed Date — Is required if the Status is Inactive/Retired. Provide the date that the tank was removed. The format for the date is MM/DD/YYYY. The allowable values range from 01/01/1900-12/31/3000.
Click Continue to access the Fugitive Sources page.
TopForm: GI-05D-R
This page allows you to edit and add information for fugitive sources at your facility. Answer the question “Are there Fugitive Sources at this facility?”. If the answer if yes, you may not continue until all mandatory fields are entered. Any SI removed during the e-Service process will not require entries in otherwise mandatory fields.
Fugitive emissions — These are air emissions outside of your building which cannot reasonably pass through a stack, chimney, vent or other equivalent opening. Examples of fugitive emission sources include coal or sawdust piles, gravel roads, and outdoor Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) /Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) service valves, pumps, and flanges. Emissions inside a building that do not pass through a stack are not fugitive emissions. These emissions should be assigned to a building vent and reported as stack emissions on the Stack and Vents page and the Emission Unit page.
Note: This service does not have a point where you are prompted to provide changes to groups in your permit. If you have changes to permit groups, you may upload an “other” type document describing group changes when you reach the Attachments screen.
Click Add New Record to add information for a new fugitive source.
Click Delete Record to erase a record that you have added. You may not delete existing records (records that you have not added during this application process). Instead, you may change the status to Inactive/Retired and provide a removed date.
Click Next Record to go to the next fugitive source. This action will take you away from the current page if all mandatory fields are entered. You will not be able to move to the next subject item if you are currently viewing the last item.
Click Previous Record to go back to the previous fugitive source. This action will take you away from the current page after all mandatory fields are entered. You will not be able to view the previous subject item if you are currently viewing the first item.
Reason for changes/modifications — If you edit existing information, you must provide a reason in this text field (below the table). This field allows up to 2,000 characters.
Required fields for Fugitive Sources page if there are fugitive sources at the facility+:
+Any SI removed during the e-Service process will not require the fields listed above.
Fugitive Source (FS) ID — For new fugitive sources, the service will list “new” as the ID number. You will assign an ID for the purposes of this application process. Any ID you assign will most likely be different when the permit is issued. Do not reuse numbers — assign a new and unique ID number to each additional fugitive source. Even if the source replaces a previously removed source, assign a new number. This ID number must be the same as shown on the Process Flow Diagram and must be used consistently throughout the application. This field allows a maximum of 50 characters.
Type — Only allowed FS types are listed in the drop-down list. You must select from the following.
Note: Do not use Odor nor Open Air Source.
Description — Describe the fugitive emission source in sufficient detail to identify this source at the facility, for example, coal stockpile, road from mine to North Crusher, etc. This field allows up to 200 characters.
Year Installed — Provide the year the FS was installed. The format for the year is YYYY. The allowable values range from 1900-3000.
Pollutant Emitted — Select the fugitive pollutant(s) emitted by clicking the link. In the displayed window, select pollutants on the left by scrolling and highlighting them, and then clicking Include Selected. You may filter the pollutants on the left by using the filter text box. Remove pollutants by highlighting the pollutant(s) on the right and clicking Remove Selected. You may highlight multiple pollutants by pressing the Ctrl key before clicking Include Selected or Remove Selected.
Status — Select either Active/Existing or Inactive/Retired from the drop-down list.
Year Removed — This is required if the Status is Inactive/Retired. Provide the year that the fugitive source was removed. The format for the year is YYYY. The allowable values range from 1900-3000.
Click Continue to access the Control Equipment page.
TopFor details about entering information on control equipment, see Control Equipment.
For details about control equipment associations, see Control Equipment Association.
For details about the control equipment associations grid, see Control Equipment Association Grid.
For details about entering information on stacks and vents, see Stacks & Vents.
For details about stacks and vents associations, see Stacks & Vents Association.
For details about the stacks and vents associations grid, see Stacks & Vents Association Grid.
For details about entering monitors, see Monitor Information.
For details about monitor associations, see Monitor Association.
For details about entering potential to emit information, see Potential to Emit.
Form: CD-01
This page allows you to edit, delete, and add permit requirements for each subject item at your facility. Check the box next to I do not need to add or make changes to my requirements if this statement is true. Otherwise, you may not continue until all mandatory fields are entered.
Note: To edit group (COMG) membership, you will need to upload, on the Attachments screen, a separate attachment that lists the group(s) and which SIs are added/removed from each group. You can mark these changes on a copy of your permit or on the SI Details Report Component Group (Members).
Existing Requirements from Active Permit — Click the link to download a copy of your active permit. The link will redirect you to the What’s in My Neighborhood website. You may find a copy of your permit by first searching for your facility using the Text search (Advanced search>ID, using your permit number is the easiest option). Once you find your facility, under the Air Quality section, open the Documents tab and click the most recent permit number associated with your facility to open a .pdf version of your permit. Save this file to your system.
I will attach a Redline version of my permit — Select this check box if you are revising existing requirements and/or all the proposed permit changes for your entire facility are shown by marking up a copy of the existing permit language. You will be prompted to attach a copy of the edited active permit when you reach the Attachments page. You should use this option where you are proposing revisions to existing permit language.
Subject Item — Select a subject item (emission unit, control equipment, monitor, etc.) from the drop-down list to add associated permit requirements. Only select subject items you wish to edit. If the subject item you wish to select is not present, first save any progress you have made. Then, navigate to the appropriate page via the navigation panel on the left and make sure that the subject item is added there.
Click Add Row to add requirements. Under Standard Language, this will add a set of multiple requirements for the regulation chosen from the drop-down lists.
Under Other Proposed Requirements, click Add Row to add a blank row and enter the proposed requirement text.
Click the Delete icon to erase a row that you have added. Existing rows may be modified but not deleted.
The first row of Standard Language cannot be deleted but can be cleared by selecting the blank option in the first Regulation drop-down list and clicking Retrieve Requirements. If there are additional Standard Language rows that have been populated, you must populate the first row with a requirement profile in order to continue to the next page. If your first row is blank and you have no more requirements to add, select the same profile as your last row and delete the last row to avoid an error when you click Continue.
In the Other Proposed Requirements section, if you need to delete the first row and do not have additional information to replace it with, and there is data in the subsequent rows, then as with the Standard Language section, there is not an option to delete the first row. Instead, copy the information you entered in the last row to the first row and then delete the last row.
Standard Language — Use this option when you wish to add MPCA-provided standard language. Standard language eliminates manually entering individual requirements. You can view the list of available options in the Regulation drop-down list.
Regulation — Start at the left drop-down list. Select a regulation category to include in your permit. Each drop-down list is a sublevel for the category at left. The drop-down lists will be filtered in a waterfall manner.
Retrieve Requirements — Click this button after you have filled in each applicable regulation drop-down. The standard requirements for the selected regulation will then auto-populate in the requirement text rows below.
Requirement Text — This is auto-populated with requirement text based on Regulation drop-down lists. This text is not editable. If no text populates in the Requirement Text boxes, you most likely need to select additional options from the drop-down lists further to the right.
Upper Limit and Lower Limit Proposed Value — For numeric limits, you must provide a proposed value for the requirement text. These fields are not always mandatory and allow numbers from 0.000000 to 999,999,999,999.99.
Comment — Enter the reason for the proposed value for the requirement text as well as any other comments you wish to include for any retrieved requirement (e.g., value based on stack test, this requirement does not apply to my facility because of...., the proposed upper limit value should be “less than or equal to”, etc.). This field is mandatory when a Proposed Value was provided and allows up to 1,000 characters.
Other Proposed Requirements — Use this option when you wish to propose custom permit requirements (e.g., not standard language). For each proposed limit, you must also include proposed compliance demonstration requirements such as daily recordkeeping, stack testing, etc.
Requirement Text — Provide the proposed requirement text in this field. This field is mandatory and allows up to 1,000 characters.
Proposed Citation — Provide a citation for the requirement. This field is mandatory and allows up to 25 characters.
Comment — Enter the reason for the proposed requirement, as well as any other comments you wish to include. This field is mandatory and allows up to 1,000 characters.
Are you in compliance with all current permit requirements as well as all permit requirements proposed above? — Select Yes or No from the drop-down list to answer this question. If you select No, you must provide an explanation in the text box below the question. This field allows up to 500 characters.
Click Next Subject Item to go to the next subject item. This action will take you away from the current page if all mandatory fields are entered. You will not be able to move to the next subject item if you are currently viewing the last item.
Click Previous Subject Item to go back to the previous subject item. This action will take you away from the current page if all mandatory fields are entered. You will not be able to view the previous subject item if you are currently viewing the first item.
Required fields for the Requirements page if neither box is checked:
Click Continue to access the Confidentiality page.
TopFor details about confidential information, see Confidentiality.
For details about attaching files, see Attaching Files.
For details about construction status, see Construction Status.
For details about certifying a submittal, see Certifying Submissions.
To contact MPCA e-Services, email onlineservices.pca@state.mn.us or call 651-757-2728 or 1-844-828-0942, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday.