Each time you log in to MPCA e-Services, the My Workspace page is displayed. From this page you can select and configure the services you want to use.

MPCA e-Services allow you to submit information to the MPCA, such as notifications, reports, and applications.

PDF Document Getting started with MPCA e-Services (p-gen1-17)

Service Selection

This section lists the services to which you have access. A service is a type of submittal combined with a program, such as an Air Quality Application or Wastewater Discharge Monitoring Report.

My Facilities

This section lists the facilities in your user profile (even if you don’t have security access).

My Services — In Progress

This section lists the services or submittals you have started but not yet completed.

My Services — Submitted

This section lists the services you have submitted.

To change the configuration of the My Workspace page, click Configure Workspace. For details, see Configuring Your Workspace.

To return to the My Workspace page, click the My Workspace tab at the top of any page while you are logged in.


Contact Us

To contact MPCA e-Services, email onlineservices.pca@state.mn.us or call 651-757-2728 or 1-844-828-0942, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday.



MPCA e-Services work best with Internet Explorer 11 and Firefox 3.5 or later.
